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Russian election chief declares start of voting in 49 regions

MOSCOW, September 6. /TASS/. Polling stations in 49 Russian regions opened on Friday as part of the country’s three-day general election, Russia’s Central Election Commission (CEC) Chairwoman Ella Pamfilova said at a briefing.
“Voting in 49 Russian regions where a decision was made to hold a three-day election kicked off today. I reiterate that it is in 49 out of 83 regions where the Single Voting Day is being held,” Russia’s chief election official emphasized. According to her, six regions will not vote to elect their public officials this time around.
Election commission teams help each other nationwide, Pamfilova noted, saying this solidarity and willingness to help colleagues out was what made the Russian election system unique.
The Single Voting Day will be held throughout Russia on September 6-8, when almost 4,000 election campaigns will find out if all their hard work will pay off. Direct elections for top executive offices will take place in 21 regions, while in four more regions, namely Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkaria, Khanty-Mansi Autonomous Area (Yugra) and Crimea, they will be elected by local parliaments. Local legislative elections will take place in 13 Russian regions. Three single-mandate districts will hold by-elections to the State Duma (lower house of Russia’s parliament).
